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Merrifield Community Partnerships Program Case Study


Merrifield Community Partnerships Program Case Study

MAB’s long term partnership with the Merrifield community

Project Overview

In April 2017, MAB undertook its first Merrifield resident survey to better understand the needs of the local community. To assist with responding to these identified needs and build community capacity, the Merrifield Community Partnerships Program (MCPP) was created.

The MCPP is a funding initiative for individuals, groups and businesses looking to partner with MAB to support the needs of the growing Merrifield community. The MCPP offers grants ranging from $500 up to $10,000 across four categories: Culture, Health, Connected and Smart. To receive a grant, the proposed activity or project must address an identified need and directly benefit the Merrifield community.

From small beginnings in 2017, the MCPP has steadily grown, awarding over $320,000 worth of grants (consisting of 45 individual projects) to successful recipients. The MCPP has funded a diverse range of initiatives over the years, including playgroups, community groups, cultural events, sporting activations, sustainability initiatives and local school projects all of which have supported community development.



• Support the community to respond to identified needs
• Build the capacity and growth of the local community
• Promote partnership opportunities


Sustainable Values and Goals Achieved

• Brand Value: People Connections
• MAB Promise: Engaged Communities and Customers
• ESG Pillar: Social Connected Communities (Health and Wellbeing, Community Engagement)
• United Nations Sustainable Development Goal: 3 Good Health and Wellbeing


Impact and Performance

• Merrifield Community Partnerships Program commenced in 2017
• Funding initiative for individuals, groups and businesses looking to partner with MAB to support the needs of the local Merrifield community.
• Grants range from $500 up to $10,000 across four categories: Culture, Health, Connected and Smart.
• Awarded over $320,000 worth of grants (consisting of 45 individual projects) to successful recipients.
• Funded a diverse range of initiatives including playgroups, community groups, cultural events, sporting activations, sustainability and local school projects.