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Brompton Gasworks Community Update | September 2024


Brompton Gasworks Community Update | September 2024

Remediation works have progressed well since our last Community Update in August. Our contractor, Enviropacific, has achieved the following milestones:

  • We are now in the final stages of soil remediation works commencing in the north-west corner of the site, with completion of works anticipated in Q4 2024.
  • Removal of all in-ground tar wells is now complete.
  • Works to dismantle and remove one of three Remediation Tent Enclosures has commenced.
  • The final two Remediation Tent Enclosures remain on track for removal by the end of Q4 2024.
  • Following completion of the Emission Control Systems (ECS) trial, the Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has approved the 24/7 operation of the ECS associated with Remediation Tent Enclosure 2 (pictured right, adjacent Chief Street). This has been implemented as a further measure to assist minimising odour for the community. All other Remediation Tent Enclosures are operating normal times 7am – 7pm daily.

In addition, drillers have now been mobilised on-site to enable further analysis of groundwater aquifers and identify containments.

Notification of Additional Site Works

Excavation works are scheduled to commence in the south-eastern corner of the site on Monday 16 September. While it is hoped that these works will not generate nuisance odours, it is possible that greater than expected contamination will be found given the nature of the gasworks infrastructure that was in this area. Enviropacific will implement odour control measures; however, there is the potential for minor odour to be present during these works, which are expected to last for three days.

Code Amendment

MAB is pleased to see the Code Amendment for the 5.8 hectare Gasworks site in Brompton progress to public consultation, and we look forward to hearing from the community during the consultation period.

The minor amendments to the Planning and Design Code are an important part of the process in creating a vibrant, medium density, mixed-use urban village on the site and aims to provide the community with greater clarity as to how the site will be developed in the future.

For more information, including how you can participate in the public consultation process, visit

Members of the public are welcome to attend a drop in session which will be held at 19 on Green Community Centre, 19 Green Street, Brompton on:

  • Sunday 22nd September (10am – 1pm) 
  • Monday 23rd September (4pm – 7pm) 

Consultation is now open and will conclude at 5pm on Tuesday 15 October 2024.