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University Hill’s new childcare centre fills gap in Melbourne’s north

Quality childcare options have long been in short supply in Melbourne’s Northern suburbs. University Hill has finally addressed this important community need through the introduction of Pelican Childcare within its mixed-use development. Adjacent the Town Centre, Pelican offers a much needed, high-quality childcare facility for the local community.

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Independent property valuations support MAB’s US investment strategy

A recent valuation by CB Richard Ellis for MAB Corporation’s US based fund MIRT (MAB International Retail Trust) resulted in a 3.8% increase over the initial 2006/2007 purchase prices – an excellent result for investors in light of the current environment.

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Collingwood’s Josh Fraser and Essendon’s Adam Ramanauskaus bring Footy Fever to University Hill

This footy season the team at University Hill have invited some of Melbourne’s best AFL players to come and meet, play and sign autographs for our local community. If you have a love for footy, some merchandise to be signed or simply want to catch up with some of the season’s best players make your way down to University Hill Town Centre on Saturday 17 May, 31 May, 14 June and 28 June.

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Commercial demand sparks $16 million University Hill office release

With University Hill’s first commercial office building a fast sell out, MAB Corporation will release its next office suites development on Monday April 14, known as ‘twenty enterprise’. The $16 million, four storey commercial building will offer 4,000 sqm of office space and will include up-to 36 office suites ranging from approximately 45 sqm to […]

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Planning approval boosts commercial property growth at NewQuay

The Planning Permit for the fourth office building within NewQuay’s commercial precinct HQ NewQuay on Docklands Drive has been approved this week.

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MAB bucks the offshore investment trend

While many Australian investors have shied away from offshore property markets in the aftermath of the sub-prime collapse, some regions of the US have bucked the trend of economic slow down and exposure to one such area has provided consistent solid returns for Australians invested with MAB’s International Retail Trust.

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