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VPELA & MAB present ‘a time of reflection and looking to the future’

The Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association, in conjunction with the MAB Corporation present…

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MAB industrial sale drives market

MAB Corporation (MAB) has announced that they have sold Independent Tube Mills (ITM) new corporate offices and manufacturing facility at Orbis Business Park in Ravenhall to a private investor for $6.6 M. The facility completed in July 2010 totals 6,900 m2 comprising 6,600 m2 of warehouse and 300 m2 office on 1.4 hectares of land.

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Major international sculptor John Kelly%u2019s %u201CYellow Peril (Square Eyes)%u201D was today placed on public display for the community and visitors to the City of Whittlesea at MAB Corporation%u2019s University Hill in Bundoora.

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Time to deliver ‘a new city for Melbourne’

29/7/10 – The Victorian Government today implemented a number of major planning and transport initiatives in order to accommodate Melbourne’s rapid population growth and rectify the ongoing shortage of residential land supply across its growth areas. These initiatives included a significant change to Melbourne’s Urban Growth Boundary, which has been shifted to incorporate the balance […]

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MAB’s construction boom – $400 million in projects – and rising

The positive outlook for the company is reflected in the level of construction activity across the residential, commercial and industrial sectors with the value of projects under construction nudging $400M.

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Deadline looming for UGB legislation. Industry waiting with bated breath for Upper House outcome

The Victorian residential development market is waiting with bated breath to see if the Victorian Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) legislation will be passed the next time State Parliament sits on 27 July, according to MAB Corporation Planning Director Mr Greg Bursill

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