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240 Uni Hill – new office suites selling fast

240 UNI HILL was launched to the market place in September 2010 and has been extremely well received. Demand for quality office space in Melbourne’s northern suburban office market has seen a massive 20% of project sales within an eight week timeframe.

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Staff Profile: Greg Bursill, Planning Director

Greg Bursill has joined MAB Corporation as Planning Director to steer planning and development of future projects.

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Commercial & Industrial Update

After several tough years, Melbourne’s industrial market is on the way back, with good infrastructure playing a key role. Land sales are rising as developers and owner occupiers move back into the market. Banks are lending to developers again, and the smaller end of the market, inactive for 18 months, is buying before a price upswing.

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MAB wins 2010 UDIA Masterplanned Development Award for University Hill

MAB Corporation’s University Hill has been awarded the esteemed Urban Development Institute of Australia’s (UDIA) 2010 Master Planned Development award.

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Translink – MAB completes final sale in $300 million business park

MAB Corporation has sold out of the final stage of the hugely successful Translink Business Park.

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NewQuay website launch

MAB Corporation’s NewQuay website as recently been launched after thecompletion of an extensive rebuild.

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