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Trade Central at Alliance

Located at the entrance to Alliance Business Park, Trade Central features 19 architecturally designed warehouses and trade stores focused on providing high quality solutions for small businesses.

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University Hill Factory Outlets Expansion Forges Ahead

The expansion of the University Hill Factory Outlets continues, with construction now well underway. The roof structure is taking shape and a new loading dock area is already in operation.

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Ormond Square a Suite Success

Positioned next to the retail town centre within University Hill, Ormond Square office and medical suites are proving a hit with businesses looking for first-class facilities in Melbourne’s booming north.

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30 Janefield Enjoying Healthy Interest

A brand new 4 level building under construction at University Hill, provides the opportunity for retailers, office occupiers, medical and healthcare professionals to join the RMIT School of Health Sciences at 30 Janefield.

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Hello to Peppercorn’s First Residents

With Stage 1 now complete and the first residents now living in their luxurious new surrounds, life at Peppercorn Apartments has never been more exciting.

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The Quays wins multiple awards and opens doors to public at Open House Melbourne

MAB’s latest residential triumph, The Quays, has taken out a series of highly coveted design and architecture awards and opened its doors to the public as part of Open House Melbourne on 26 and 27 July.

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