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Canopi Valley Awarded as Finalist at 2016 UDIA Awards for Excellence

MAB Corporation is extremely pleased to have been awarded as a finalist for the 2016 UDIA Victoria Medium Density Development Award for Excellence, for the Canopi Valley Lake development in Keilor East, 15km from the CBD. Canopi Valley Lake consists of three separate land holdings, totalling approximately two hectares surrounding Lake Niddrie, at the heart of the […]

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600 Jobs Created

MAB’s $40 million twin office building project in Fountain Gate is expected to create about 600 jobs.

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Melbourne’s Northern Growth Corridor Fuels Commercial Success for MAB

MAB Corporation’s most recent commercial development, Ormond Square at University Hill in Bundoora, has sold out.

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MAB Delivers New Local Workplace to Casey

MAB Corporation (MAB) officially launched its latest commercial project, CubeOne, within the rapidly growing City of Casey.

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Sydneysiders Take Their Money and Fly South

Western Sydney’s property market has boomed so much that it is now more expensive than Melbourne.

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Young Professionals Drive Demand For ‘Loft Living’ In Melbourne’s CBD

As employment growth in Melbourne’s CBD continues to rise, the next generation of workers are demanding more from apartment developments close to their employers.

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